Tim Sawyier, LCPC

Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy

Faculty, Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute

About Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy relieves emotional distress by restoring and cultivating patients' innate capacities for thought and growth. We all engage the world in idiosyncratic ways developed over the course of our lives, and emotional suffering results when such adaptive measures go awry or no longer serve their original purpose.  Understanding the origins of repetitive unsatisfying relationships, low self-esteem, anxiety, and other psychological symptoms allows one to make more informed decisions about how to meet one's emotional needs most authentically and effectively.

As a psychoanalyst, I specialize in the in-depth treatment of emotional issues, which entails understanding how one has come to interact with the world, and renegotiating this via immersion in a therapeutic relationship. Such work allows aspects of a patient's inner life to be brought to light and thought about in new ways that promote growth.  The duration and frequency of treatment are determined on an individual basis, and can range from several months of weekly sessions, to more frequent work for an open-ended period of time.

I completed psychoanalytic training at of the Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute, where I am now on faculty, and am a Clinical Fellow of the International Neuropsychoanalysis Society. I welcome inquiries from potential patients interested in improving their lives through a mutual engagement with their emotional past, present, and future.

Office & Appointments

My office is located in the Loop at:

111 N. Wabash Avenue
Suite 1323
Chicago, IL 60602

I am practicing primarily in-person at the location above. We can discuss these arrangements, including the limited use of telehealth, during an initial consultation.

For further information, including fees and insurance coverage, please consult my Psychology Today profile.







If you have questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please call (872) 469-7024.